Electronic Risks Consultants

About the Electronic Risks Consultants Contract for E&I Members The ERC contract allows E&I members to combine multiple maintenance agreements under one equipment maintenance program. Members benefit from guaranteed cost savings and reductions in administrative workloads while receiving the same level of coverage for their equipment and continuing to use preferred providers for all on-site […]

About the Remi Contract for E&I Members The Remi contract provides a comprehensive equipment maintenance management program (EMMP) that replaces multiple service agreements and extended warranties with a single source that is more cost effective and flexible than traditional OEM or ISO contracts. E&I members get a single point of contact for managing service events […]
Specialty Underwriters

About the Specialty Underwriters Contract for E&I Members The Specialty Underwriters contract provides a reliable, time-proven equipment maintenance management program, giving E&I members one point of contact for all equipment maintenance and repair services. Through key management reporting, members receive ongoing analysis of equipment reliability and vendor performance, helping reduce operating costs significantly. Specialty Underwriters […]