Cornerstone OnDemand

About the HelioCampus Contract for E&I Members The HelioCampus contract offers E&I members a combination of powerful technology platforms and best practices from the field, helping them measure and evaluate their effectiveness in fulfilling their mission by connecting investments with financial, operational, and student learning outcomes. Born out of higher education, HelioCampus works with colleges […]

About the Proctorio Contract for E&I Members The Proctorio contract provides a suite of customizable online proctoring, identity verification, plagiarism detection tools, and content protection tools to ensure assessment integrity. Integrating with major LMSs and utilizing Zero-Knowledge encryption, Proctorio is designed for superior learner privacy, system security, reliability, and scalability. Proctorio’s services include automated or […]

About the Ouriginal Contract for E&I Members The Ouriginal contract provides a text similarity and plagiarism prevention solution. With no installation required, Ouriginal can be used as a standalone product or seamlessly integrated to the learning management system of your choice and delivers accurate reports quickly and efficiently in an easy-to-read format. Ouriginal’s cost-effective, cloud-based […]
Mythics, LLC

About the Mythics Contract for E&I Members The Mythics contract provides a full-featured Oracle ERP system and related services. As an Oracle platinum provider, Mythics empowers institutions with cloud-native solutions that increase efficiency and transparency, facilitate transformative approaches to teaching, learning, and research, and support the entire student and employee lifecycle. Exclusively focused on delivering […]
Workday, Inc.

About the Workday Contract for E&I Members The Workday, Inc. contract provides enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, with a fully cloud-native platform developed for higher education. Designed specifically for cloud delivery, Workday enables midsize and large institutions to run more efficiently and effectively by integrating operations, optimizing business processes, and driving collaboration. Recognized for being […]
D2L Ltd.

About the D2L Contract for E&I Members The D2L contract provides Brightspace, their secure, reliable, and adaptive LMS solution that helps drive improved learning outcomes from a comprehensive and easy-to-use platform. D2L’s learning platform, high-impact content experiences, and customized support provide you everything you need to transform teaching and learning in-person or online. Brightspace is […]